A viagem de uma peça de Vidro Marinho pode ter começado séculos antes de ser encontrado, como uma garrafa, frasco, prato ou copo que de uma forma ou de outra, acaba partido e atirado ao mar.
O oceano embala o pedaço de vidro no seu leito de areia e pedras, polindo-o suavemente com a força extraordinária das marés e das ondas, que depois o depositam na costa. Nesta viagem o vidro sofre uma transformação e é-nos devolvido em forma de gema. Ao caminhar pela praia temos a oportunidade de receber estes suaves, coloridos e lindos presentes do oceano.
Esta viagem do Vidro Marinho também é de mistérios e segredos. Cabe-nos a nós desvendar os segredos que cada peça esconde, e por vezes, o vidro esconde os seus segredos para toda a eternidade. É fascinante tentar desvendar de onde veio aquele pedaço de vidro em particular. O que teria sido numa vida anterior? Por que mãos passou antes de chegar ao mar e quanto tempo se deixou embalar por ele?
Teria pertencido a um frasquinho de perfume de uma dama da nobreza?
Ou quem sabe a uma lanterna de um navio ou caravela?
Foi um copo? – Quem bebeu por ele?
Um prato? – Quem comeu nele?
Faria parte de uma janela ou teria sido o contentor de uma mezinha de um boticário?
Teria pertencido a um frasquinho de perfume de uma dama da nobreza?
Ou quem sabe a uma lanterna de um navio ou caravela?
Foi um copo? – Quem bebeu por ele?
Um prato? – Quem comeu nele?
Faria parte de uma janela ou teria sido o contentor de uma mezinha de um boticário?
A raridade do Vidro Marinho depende muitas vezes da sua cor ou da exibição de marcas distintas. Por vezes a sua cor muda, em função do equilíbrio químico entre a água e os compostos do próprio vidro ou por acção dos raios UV do sol.
Hoje em dia já não se usa tanto vidro como antigamente. Há 50anos o vidro era usado para quase tudo, desde garrafas a faróis de carros, mas hoje em dia foi substituído por diversos tipos de plástico. Nessa altura o ser humano também não era grande praticante da reciclagem e os oceanos eram considerados como um caixote do lixo sem fundo, para onde se podia atirar tudo porque simplesmente desaparecia! Actualmente, a nossa consciência ambiental não nos permite perpetrar as mesmas barbaridades ecológicas, felizmente! No entanto, o advento do plástico e a consciência ambiental vieram fazer com que o Vidro Marinho seja cada vez mais raro e difícil de encontrar.
O Vidro Marinho tem muitos nomes, Vidro Marinho, Vidro de Praia, Lágrimas de Sereia, etc. O melhor Vidro Marinho encontra-se principalmente nas zonas costeiras habitadas há várias gerações, onde as correntes sejam fortes e haja bastante ondulação.
Pessoalmente, adoro Vidro Marinho. Acho extraordinária a transformação que a acção do mar provoca no vidro e adoro a sua fosca e translúcida suavidade. Para mim, todo ele é belo e adoro coleccioná-lo!
Sou membro de Sea Glass Lovers - Uma comunidade dedicada aos amantes de Vidro Marinho do mundo!
Sou membro de Sea Glass Lovers - Uma comunidade dedicada aos amantes de Vidro Marinho do mundo!
Visit Seaglasslovers
The journey of a bit of Sea Glass may have begun centuries before it was ever found, as a bottle, a jar, a plate or a glass that, one way or another, ended up broken in the ocean.
The ocean then rocks the piece of glass in its bed of sand and stones, polishing it gently with the extraordinary power of its tides and waves, which in their turn, eventually deposit it on the shore. On this journey the glass undergoes a transformation and it is returned to us in the form of a precious gem. While walking along the beach we have the opportunity to receive these smooth, colorful and beautiful gifts from the ocean.
This Sea Glass' journey is also one of mysteries and secrets. It is up to us to unravel the secrets that each piece hides, and sometimes the glass hides its secrets for all eternity... I find it fascinating to try and find out where that particular piece of Sea Glass came from. What could it have been in a previous life? Which hands held it before reaching the sea and how long was it cradled by it?
Did it belong to a noble Lady's perfume bottle?
Or perhaps it was a lantern from a caravel or ship?
Was it a cup? - Who drank from it?
A dish? - Who ate from it?
Could it have been part of a window or was it a container for an apothecary's medicine?
Sea Glass is rare!
The rarity of Sea Glass often depends on its color or if it displays distinct marks. Sometimes the color changes depending on the chemical balance of the compounds of the sea water and the glass itself, or it's changed by the UV rays from the sun.
Nowadays we don't use as much glass as before. Fifty years ago it was used for everything, from bottles to car headlights, but today it has been replaced by various types of plastic. At that time man also wasn't great at recycling and the oceans were seen as a bottomless garbage can, where they could throw everything because it simply disappeared! Today, our environmental conscience doesn't allow us to perpetrate the same ecological atrocities, thank heavens! However, the advent of plastic and our environmental awareness made the Sea Glass increasingly rare and harder to find.
Sea Glass has many names, Marine Glass, Beach Glass, Mermaid's Tears, etc.. The best Sea Glass is found mainly in coastal areas inhabited for generations, where the currents are strong and the waves are present.
Personally, I love Sea Glass. I think it's extraordinary the transformation that the action of the sea causes in the glass and I love its frosted and translucent smoothness. In my opinion, it is all beautiful and I love to collect it!
I am a member of Sea Glass Lovers - A community dedicated to Sea Glass lovers of the world!
The ocean then rocks the piece of glass in its bed of sand and stones, polishing it gently with the extraordinary power of its tides and waves, which in their turn, eventually deposit it on the shore. On this journey the glass undergoes a transformation and it is returned to us in the form of a precious gem. While walking along the beach we have the opportunity to receive these smooth, colorful and beautiful gifts from the ocean.
This Sea Glass' journey is also one of mysteries and secrets. It is up to us to unravel the secrets that each piece hides, and sometimes the glass hides its secrets for all eternity... I find it fascinating to try and find out where that particular piece of Sea Glass came from. What could it have been in a previous life? Which hands held it before reaching the sea and how long was it cradled by it?
Did it belong to a noble Lady's perfume bottle?
Or perhaps it was a lantern from a caravel or ship?
Was it a cup? - Who drank from it?
A dish? - Who ate from it?
Could it have been part of a window or was it a container for an apothecary's medicine?
Sea Glass is rare!
The rarity of Sea Glass often depends on its color or if it displays distinct marks. Sometimes the color changes depending on the chemical balance of the compounds of the sea water and the glass itself, or it's changed by the UV rays from the sun.
Nowadays we don't use as much glass as before. Fifty years ago it was used for everything, from bottles to car headlights, but today it has been replaced by various types of plastic. At that time man also wasn't great at recycling and the oceans were seen as a bottomless garbage can, where they could throw everything because it simply disappeared! Today, our environmental conscience doesn't allow us to perpetrate the same ecological atrocities, thank heavens! However, the advent of plastic and our environmental awareness made the Sea Glass increasingly rare and harder to find.
Sea Glass has many names, Marine Glass, Beach Glass, Mermaid's Tears, etc.. The best Sea Glass is found mainly in coastal areas inhabited for generations, where the currents are strong and the waves are present.
Personally, I love Sea Glass. I think it's extraordinary the transformation that the action of the sea causes in the glass and I love its frosted and translucent smoothness. In my opinion, it is all beautiful and I love to collect it!
I am a member of Sea Glass Lovers - A community dedicated to Sea Glass lovers of the world!