Já não me lembro como nem porquê mas, há algum tempo tive um momento “Ah-ha!” quando dei de caras com os Colares de Amamentação, uma ideia simples mas inovadora, prática e útil!
E o que é um Colar de Amamentação?
Uma das coisas que as recém-mamãs descobrem rapidamente é que a acção de amamentar o seu bebé além de ser das mais importantes que praticamos nos primeiros dias da sua vida, é também um belo momento cheio de doçura e prazer, sorrisos embevecidos e o suave som do nosso bebé a mamar.
E o que é que acontece quando o nosso lindo bebé começa a explorar o seu maravilhoso mundo novo? Bom... Se for como o meu, e há muitos bebés assim, das duas, uma: ou adormece e pára de mamar, ou distrai-se com sons e movimentos que o fazem parar de mamar e olhar para o outro lado. Qualquer das situações é terrível para a mãe, porque temos aquela sensação de missão, de termos que dar o melhor e fazer o melhor pelo nosso bebé e ele tem que se alimentar para aumentar de peso e... e... O que fazer?
Pouco tempo depois desta fase, vem a fase em que eles agarram e puxam qualquer coisa a que consigam deitar as suas mãozinhas... Seja o fio que a mãe tem ao pescoço (ai que vai partir), uns brincos mais compridos (Ui!), o cabelo (Aiaiaiaiai! Largalargalarga!), a roupa... Enfim... O que fazer?
(aqui vem o Ah-ha!)
Oferecer-lhe algo que prenda a sua atenção, que desperte os seus sentidos e em que o bebé possa concentrar a sua atenção enquanto mama: Um colar de amamentação!
Algo seguro, colorido e interessante para o bebé brincar com as mãos, sem correr riscos nem magoar a mãe e sem se distrair a olhar para outro lado porque o colar está ali mesmo, encostado ao corpo quente e confortável da sua mamã!
Calhou eu descobrir isto mais ou menos ao mesmo tempo em que um amigo foi pai. É claro que eu tinha mesmo que fazer um colar destes para a sua linda bebé, chamada Maria Inês – o mesmo nome da minha querida mãe!
Usei contas de vidro cor-de-rosa para a bebé e roxo para a mãe, por ser a sua cor preferida. O arame memória mantém a forma do pendente e o fio de algodão foi enfiado num elo de chainmaille chamado elo em flor, para lhe conferir mais resistência.
Este colar de amamentação é feito para resistir aos puxões que a bebé lhe possa dar e o seu comprimento pode ser alterado facilmente para que seja a mãe a escolher onde quer que o pendente circular de contas coloridas fique. Eu espero que tanto mãe como filha gostem dele e que lhes proporcione muitas horas de doçura e prazer, sorrisos embevecidos e o suave som da Maria Inês a mamar.
The global village that the Internet is, offers us some fantastic discoveries. I call them the "Ah-ha! Moments." These are the moments where we stumble upon an idea, a concept or a product that makes us think and say "Ah-ha! Why didn’t I think of this before!? "
I can’t remember how or why but some time ago I had one of those "Ah-ha! moments" when I stumbled upon the Nursing Necklaces, a simple but innovative idea, practical and useful!
And what’s a nursing necklace?
One of the things that the new mummies quickly find out is that nursing your baby, besides being the most important thing we do in the early days of the baby’s life, is also a beautiful moment filled with sweetness and joy, inebriated smiles and the soothing sounds of our baby nursing.
And what happens when our beautiful baby begins to explore its wonderful new world? Well .. If they’re anything like mine, and there are so many babies like that, one of two things happens: the baby either falls asleep and stops nursing, or gets distracted with sounds and movements that make them stop nursing and look the other way. Either situation is terrible for the mother because we have that sense of mission, that we have to give the best and do the best for our baby and he has to eat to gain weight and... and... What to do?
Shortly after this stage comes the stage where they grab and pull anything they can lay their little hands on... Be the delicate necklace the mother is wearing (Oh it’s gonna break!), a longer earring (Ouch!), the mama’s hair (Ouchouchouchouch! Letgoletgoletgo!), clothes ... Oh, well... What to do?
(Here comes the Ah-ha!)
Give the baby something that holds their attention, that stimulates their senses and in which your baby can focus their attention while nursing: A Nursing Necklace!
Something safe, colorful and interesting for the baby to play with, without risk or harm for the mother or child and without getting distracted and look elsewhere because the necklace is right there, against the mommy’s warm and comfortable body!
It so happened that I found about Nursing Necklaces more or less at the same time than a friend of mine become a daddy. Of course I'd have to make one of these for their beautiful baby girl, named Maria Inês - the same name of my dear mother!
I can’t remember how or why but some time ago I had one of those "Ah-ha! moments" when I stumbled upon the Nursing Necklaces, a simple but innovative idea, practical and useful!
And what’s a nursing necklace?
One of the things that the new mummies quickly find out is that nursing your baby, besides being the most important thing we do in the early days of the baby’s life, is also a beautiful moment filled with sweetness and joy, inebriated smiles and the soothing sounds of our baby nursing.
And what happens when our beautiful baby begins to explore its wonderful new world? Well .. If they’re anything like mine, and there are so many babies like that, one of two things happens: the baby either falls asleep and stops nursing, or gets distracted with sounds and movements that make them stop nursing and look the other way. Either situation is terrible for the mother because we have that sense of mission, that we have to give the best and do the best for our baby and he has to eat to gain weight and... and... What to do?
Shortly after this stage comes the stage where they grab and pull anything they can lay their little hands on... Be the delicate necklace the mother is wearing (Oh it’s gonna break!), a longer earring (Ouch!), the mama’s hair (Ouchouchouchouch! Letgoletgoletgo!), clothes ... Oh, well... What to do?
(Here comes the Ah-ha!)
Give the baby something that holds their attention, that stimulates their senses and in which your baby can focus their attention while nursing: A Nursing Necklace!
Something safe, colorful and interesting for the baby to play with, without risk or harm for the mother or child and without getting distracted and look elsewhere because the necklace is right there, against the mommy’s warm and comfortable body!
It so happened that I found about Nursing Necklaces more or less at the same time than a friend of mine become a daddy. Of course I'd have to make one of these for their beautiful baby girl, named Maria Inês - the same name of my dear mother!
This Nursing Necklace is made to resist the baby’s pulling and tugging and its length can be easily changed so that the mother can choose where she wants the pendant to rest. I hope both mother and daughter like it and that it gives them many hours of pleasure and sweetness, inebriated smiles and soothing sounds of Maria Ines nursing.